The Nebraska Strength Coaches Organization (NSCO) was designed to GROW high school Strength & Conditioning in the state of Nebraska. The NSCO is governed by a Board of Directors that is dedicated to helping coaches improve their knowledge and skill set to best serve high school student-athletes across the state of Nebraska. The goal is to provide continuing education opportunities that are high quality education and to provide opportunities to connect coaches across the state.
Monthly zoom roundtables occur on select months out of the year, on Sunday nights at 7:00pm, CST. Roundtables include an introduction with announcements of upcoming events, 40-45 minutes of a presenter on a specific strength & conditioning topic followed by a 10 minute question and answer period. Zoom roundtables do not exceed 1-hour in length. Zoom roundtable topics & dates are below.
WESTERN NEBRASKA CLINICNebraska is a big state with much of the Strength & Conditioning education occurring on the eastern end of the state. Our goal is to shorten that distance by offering a high quality educational event in western Nebraska. This clinic started in November of 2022 and we continue to stay committed to offering clinics in western Nebraska to shorten the distance western Nebraska coaches have to travel to gain top quality Strength & Conditioning knowledge. Check out this years event below. We have partnered with the NHSSCA for this years clinic.
The Nebraska Strength Coaches Clinic occurs each year in March at Platteview Jr./Sr. High School in Springfield, NE, just outside of Omaha. This clinic offers many opportunities to learn and collaborate with other coaches from across the state and beyond. This clinic also gives you the opportunity to network with many different vendors that may be able to offer you new equipment to take your program to the next level. Please click here to learn more about the Nebraska Strength Coaches Clinic.